A listing of current and past transportation projects throughout the San Joaquin Valley.
Current Projects:
Inspiration Transportation is partnering with the Central Valley Regional Center (CVRC) for transportation services. For the initial programming, Inspiration Transportation will provide contract services with CVRC for weekday round-trip passenger service from the program’s developmentally disabled consumer’s residence to various training and educational sites throughout Fresno County.

Past Projects:
Inspiration Transportation is partnering with the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) to implement a rural, electric vehicle ridesharing pilot program in Fresno County. FCRTA is stretched to provide service to all areas of need, specifically in sparsely populated, low-density areas, and as a result communities are left with gaps in access. Inspiration Transportation will implement a pilot program beginning in Biola and West Park, providing low or no-cost microtransit options for residents utilizing electric vehicles. This pilot project will be a vital community resource, providing access to jobs, education, and health care as well as a reduction in vehicle emissions to improve air quality.

CMO Vouchers
Inspiration Transportation is in the process of partnering with Fresno Area Express (FAX) and Leadership Counsel on the Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program (CMO). This program, funded by California Climate Investments (CCI), provides voucher-based funding for zero-emission carsharing, carpooling/vanpooling, bikesharing/scooter-sharing, innovative transit services, and ride-on-demand services in California’s historically underserved communities. The statewide initiative puts Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment.

DAWN Initiative
In July 2020, the Fresno City Council unanimously approved an $1 Million agreement with the Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (Fresno EOC) to implement the DAWN (Development Across West Fresno Neighborhoods) Initiative. The DAWN Initiative dollars will be overseen by Fresno EOC and will fund efforts to combat the coronavirus and underlying health conditions in West Fresno. The Fresno EOC will work with the designated project partners over five years to implement the initiative aimed to reduce infant mortality, preterm birth rates, and environmental risk factors in West Fresno through workforce development, infrastructure improvements and the creation of a women’s clinic.

COVID-19 Equity Project
We are honored to partner with the African American Coalition (AAC) to implement the COVID-19 Equity Project here in Fresno, California. The mission of the project is to provide equal access for COVID-19 testing and other health screenings to underserved areas in Fresno specifically communities of color. UCSF Fresno Mobile HeaL has combined their expertise with community based organizations to conduct free testing, contact tracing, community education and outreach as part of the City of Fresno’s COVID-19 response to support communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Alongside these CBOs, Inspiration Transportation has helped with the drive-through and safety logistics at mobile testing events across the City of Fresno, where thousands of people have been able to test safely and efficiently since October 2020.

Senior Meal Distribution
Inspiration Transportation provided meal delivery services in Kingsburg, California for local seniors. To protect the health and safety of these vulnerable residents during COVID-19, the Kingsburg Senior Center prepares more than 80 meals a day, and our organization was responsible for delivering these hot meals Monday through Friday, directly to their doorsteps. Thanks to the Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) for coordinating this project, and to Kingsburg City Council Member and former Mayor Michelle Roman for her support of these services.